Monday, 21 March 2011

Law that protects libraries to be scrapped if underhand MPs have their way

It has come to my attention via The Good Library Blog that there is something very underhand going on with the laws that protect our libraries.

I take this directly from Perkins' blog:

Please write urgently to your MP about the law that protects public libraries

I am sure that everyone reading this knows that in the UK there is a law which requires local councils to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library service for all people who wish to make use thereof. It is the upholding of that 1964 Libraries and Museums Act which is the basis of all the campaigns to save libraries.

Yesterday we discovered a secret move by state officials to remove the burden of the duty placed on councils by including the main requirements of the Act in a whole list of possible changes to local government requirements. Quite easily the whole legal foundation of the public library service could be removed without the public or parliament realising that the law had quietly and secretly been changed.

It is an appalling and underhand thing of those officials to attempt. It reveals the worst of the state of our democracy. And it is really happening, do not be surprised.

Find and contact your local MP using this link.

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