Monday, 28 March 2011

Wandsworth council libraries consultation and the sad, uncertain future of York Gardens Library

The Wandsworth Council libraries "consultation" result was announced in February - 10 days after the closing date. Singular because I find it impossible to believe it was not a ready-written press-release, a plan set in stone before a single pair of eyes were cast on the 1,200 surveys that were returned; or that 1,200 surveys could be analysed in just 10 days.

The original plan announced last month was that the library would retain only its children and IT services. Now it seems that the library as a whole will be saved, but only if volunteers will run it. Article from newspaper about how York Gardens would be used as a pilot for the Big Society scheme - it's noted that if the pilot failed the council could just put the blame on the community not doing enough to save it and thus evade any blame themselves.

The new plans being considered are published here:

It was quite clear from some of the survey results quoted that there was a large amount of questioning over the ability of volunteers to run libraries as opposed to trained, skilled, professional staff. Indeed, the result was resounding that the majority were deeply concerned over York Gardens being earmarked for closure and the detrimental effects this would leave on such a deprived, small, immediate community.

The way Wandsworth Council chose to present the reults are in PDF form here.

My comments were quoted directly from my consultation form at least twice that I can see, namely:

"Paid library workers with professional knowledge and skills, not volunteers, please."

"Having heard the news of the possible closure of York Gardens library in the Wandsworth
borough of London, I made a special trip to visit when normally I would access Southfields
library, 3 miles away. I immediately warmed to York Gardens library. Set in a large estate
of tower blocks, I can see how vital an asset it must be to the surrounding large community.
Looking at the various events, info, and things on offer, it's clear that there's so much more
than a mere book-lending facility here. Reading groups of all ages, activities for children,
craft activities for young people, even an old memories of Battersea group. What's more,
the library itself is inside a community building with a community centre that offers much to
the local residents. The library offers an incredibly impressive range of items on loan for
such a compact space, and is laid out in such a way that it's heart-warming - I feel
immediately positive of mood, after what had today been an upsetting morning; because it's
simply such a good place to be; good for the mental health. People think of London as
being this big centre, when really there are countless little communities just as cut-off as
anywhere smaller. And London does have its tiny communities. York Gardens is beset by
what must be Council or ex-Council tower block flats. There are pockets of poverty in all bits of London - and people forget this, just how vital libraries are in providing info on all kinds of local info, be it related to further education, benefits, leisure centres and other amenities in the area, local writing competitions, even the sale of local postcards and local history books. The provision is palpable. I will make the lengthy journey every week to use this library and make it my regular library. A former Wandsworth resident, I now live in Merton. It would be detrimental to the immediate community and beyond should the Council choose to close this library."

Save Kensal Rise Library

I'm heartened that legal challenges are in process in order to try and stop the ill-thought closure of libraries such as Kensal Rise in Brent borough. Posted online on the Save Kensal Library Blog a while ago, I saw a legal statement that said that as a condition of the building being bestowed as a gifted building on the general public, it would only ever be used as a library. There ought be some law to protect buildings as beautiful as this - libraries are often amazing examples of architecture and this is seldom respected.

It is a majestic building indeed. The area feels very community-bound with its close, Victorian houses and streets, and the library is at the centre of the neighbourhood, standing pillar-like proud. Inside reveals the only library I've ever set foot in that has chandeliers shining down. The book cases are of the deep mahogany wood and in the traditional library style that I am so fond of.

A compact library but as with York Gardens, I found that there was a mine of interesting and wide-reaching material on offer. I joined up, was met with friendliness and encouragement and information from staff, and I came away with a range of books - on low salt cooking, poetry and cat care.

I'm so glad to see that there are many events being put on to support the library's plight. In fact, it's said that if the council would open up use of the library's upper floor, events could be put on there regularly and could in fact fund the library and serve it very well. Why do councils and library management staff so consistently shun and fail to exploit the full benefits that fascinating and fun events could so regularly bring to libraries? Beyond readings - eg concerts/gigs, live comedy, social clubs and events?

Save Kensal Rise petition.

This is a library that stands at over 100 years old and was opened by Mark Twain.


It's frustrating how little chance I get to update this blog, but trust that I have still been engaged in working towards various plights - filling in consultation forms, lobbying MPs, visiting and joining many many libraries, and working on a couple of print publications about the brilliance of mighty libraries. And I am all the while taking in as much as I can from the excellent public libraries blog.

I will do my utmost to blog some updates on all this and more...

Monday, 21 March 2011

Law that protects libraries to be scrapped if underhand MPs have their way

It has come to my attention via The Good Library Blog that there is something very underhand going on with the laws that protect our libraries.

I take this directly from Perkins' blog:

Please write urgently to your MP about the law that protects public libraries

I am sure that everyone reading this knows that in the UK there is a law which requires local councils to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library service for all people who wish to make use thereof. It is the upholding of that 1964 Libraries and Museums Act which is the basis of all the campaigns to save libraries.

Yesterday we discovered a secret move by state officials to remove the burden of the duty placed on councils by including the main requirements of the Act in a whole list of possible changes to local government requirements. Quite easily the whole legal foundation of the public library service could be removed without the public or parliament realising that the law had quietly and secretly been changed.

It is an appalling and underhand thing of those officials to attempt. It reveals the worst of the state of our democracy. And it is really happening, do not be surprised.

Find and contact your local MP using this link.